Angling regulations for year 2025 in English
of the
(Danube–Tisza Canal, Dunavölgyi Main Canal, Északi Belt Canal, Dömsöd Oxbow, Somlyó Canal, Szigetbecse Oxbow)
Water area codes of the fisheries management areas of the Ráckeve Danube Branch Angling Association (RDHSZ):
Name of the registered fisheries management area | Water area code |
Ráckeve (Soroksár) Danube from the Kvassay Lock to the Tass Lock, with the associated branches and backwaters | 13-017-1-1 |
Danube-Tisza-canal from the a bifurcation to the Sári Lock | 13-021-1-1 |
Dunavölgyi Main Canal | 13-019-1-1 |
Északi Belt Canal, including the Pest County sections of canals XXX and XXXI | 13-020-1-1 |
Dömsöd Oxbow | 13-016-1-1 |
Somlyó Canal | 13-018-1-1 |
Szigetbecse Oxbow | 13-199-1-1 |
Territorial ticket types issued by RDHSZ and their prices (HUF):
Ticket type | Price (HUF) |
Annual general adult ticket* | 67 000 |
Annual adult bait-boat angling ticket* | 109 000 |
Annual adult bait-boat angling ticket for three rods (for sports purposes)* ** | 163 500 |
Annual general youth ticket* | 7 500 |
Annual general RDHSZ child ticket | 500 |
Annual adult ticket for associated water bodies | 52 000 |
Annual RDHSZ-Balaton ticket | 91 000 |
24-hour general adult ticket* | 6 000 |
24-hour adult tourist ticket | 6 500 |
24-hour general youth ticket* | 3 000 |
24-hour youth tourist ticket | 3 500 |
72-hour general adult ticket* | 14 000 |
72-hour adult bait-boat angling ticket* | 24 000 |
72-hour adult bait-boat angling ticket for three rods (for sports purposes)* ** | 36 000 |
Weekly general adult ticket* | 32 000 |
Weekly adult bait-boat angling ticket* | 54 500 |
Weekly adult bait-boat angling ticket for three rods (for sports purposes)* ** | 81 750 |
Weekly adult tourist ticket | 36 500 |
* The marked ticket types are also available for foreigners at the same prices.
** Bait-boat angling tickets for three rods (for sports purposes) are available at Silver Beach (Ezüstpart) of Makád, at any other water areas two rods bait-boat angling is permitted with these tickets.
Catch limits for the territorial tickets issued by RDHSZ
Territorial ticket type | Fish species with daily bag limits, including grass carp | Native fish species without daily bag limits | ||
in one day/24 hours | total | in one day/24 hours | total | |
Annual general adult ticket | 5 fish, but no more than 3 fish per species | 60 kg or 100 fish, whichever is reached first | 5 kg | |
Weekly general adult ticket | 20 kg | 20 kg | ||
72-hour general adult ticket | 3 fish, but no more than 2 fish per species | 10 kg | 3 kg | 9 kg |
24-hour general adult ticket | 5 kg | 3 kg | ||
Annual general youth ticket | 30 kg or 100 fish, whichever is reached first | 30 kg | ||
24-hour general youth ticket | 3 kg | 3 kg | ||
General child ticket | 1 fish | 15 kg | 15 kg | |
Annual adult bait-boat angling ticket | 3 fish, but no more than 2 fish per species | 60 kg or 100 fish, whichever is reached first | 5 kg | 60 kg |
Weekly adult bait-boat angling ticket | 15 kg | 15 kg | ||
72-hour adult bait-boat angling ticket | 10 kg | 3 kg | 10 kg | |
Annual adult bait-boat angling ticket for three rods (for sports purposes) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Weekly adult bait-boat angling ticket for three rods (for sports purposes) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
72-hour adult bait-boat angling ticket for three rods (for sports purposes) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Annual adult ticket for associated water bodies | 5 fish, but no more than 3 fish per species | 50 kg or 100 fish, whichever is reached first | 5 kg | 50 kg |
Annual adult ticket for office-bearers | 5 fish, but no more than 3 fish per species | 60 kg or 100 fish, whichever is reached first | 5 kg | 60 kg |
Annual adult bait-boat angling ticket for office-bearers | ||||
Weekly tourist ticket | 3 fish, but no more than 2 fish per species | 10 kg | 3 kg | 10 kg |
24-hour tourist ticket | 3 kg | 3 kg | ||
RDHSZ-Balaton* | 5 fish, but no more than 3 fish per species | 60 kg or 100 fish, whichever is reached first | 5 kg | 60 kg |
* The quantities indicated in the table refer to the waters of RDHSZ. Catch limits for Lake Balaton are regulated by the Anglng Regulations of Lake Balaton, but the catch limit for the two water areas combined may not exceed 100 fish protected by daily bag limits.
Dear fellow anglers,
For the sake of the present and the future, enforcement of the rules is always in our common interest. We ask you to familiarize with and subsequently apply the rules related to angling and the angling environment, thereby supporting our work and contributing to the tranquility and further development of the waters and banks. We wish you all good health, lots of spare time and nice angling experiences!
I. General provisions
- Before angling, the angler must familiarize him/herself and, during angling, must comply with Act CII of 2013 on Fisheries Management and Fish Protection (hereinafter: Hhvtv.) and its implementing Decree VM 133/2013 (XII.29.), as well as the provisions of the local angling regulations.
- The basic conditions for angling include the possession of valid angling documents and being able to present them at the angling location at all times.
- Of the angling documents, the purchase of a territorial ticket covered by the local angling regulations entails the conclusion of a civil law contract between the angler and the issuer of the territorial ticket, whereby the angler consents to the processing of his data for the specified purposes in accordance with the valid rules.
- The angler must carry a copy of the local angling regulations as an inalienable annex to the territorial ticket or, if these are purchased online, must be able to present the territorial ticket and the angling regulations for inspection on the screen of a suitable device (e.g. tablet, smartphone) during the time of angling, without an obligation to print them out. The presentation is also possible through the application „Horgász” („Angler”) by the Hungarian National Fishing Association (MOHOSZ).
- In the fisheries management area, the angler comes into the possession of fish by legally catching it and recording the catch in the logbook. The catch may only be recorded in the manner specified in the logbook and in the additional provisions of the local angling regulations.
Fish inspector’s phone number (for reporting infringements): +36 30 675 7304,
home page:
II. Land use and environmental provisions, territorial and temporal restrictions
- In water areas where angling is permitted, as well as on their banks, any free space may be occupied on a first-come, first-served basis. In the absence of a previous agreement with the neighbours, the minimum prescribed distance between specifically not designated angling spots shall be 5 metres. It is forbidden for anglers to establish occupied places in public areas, with the exception of licensed piers (jetties).
- In agreement with nature conservation rules, it is forbidden to alter or disturb the condition or quality of the local wildlife in any way besides the angling activity, to pollute the water, or to litter in any form. Users are obliged to preserve the nature and the built environment and to maintain cleanliness, and will be held liable for any damage.
- Rod holders made of any material can be used on the banks, with the exception of parts freshly broken off from live woody vegetation.
- Angling on the ice of flowing waters is prohibited in all cases. Angling on the ice of standing waters is possible in places where it is not specifically prohibited and where the ice is at least 10 cm thick, not melting or moving. The angler is obliged to visibly mark the cut hole after the end of angling in all cases.
- Tools and objects used to mark the place during angling must always be removed from the water after the end of angling, with the exception of so-called marker poles made of plastic tubes.
- In order to protect water quality, only baits of appropriate quality (i.e. unspoiled) may be used in the necessary amount.
III. Specific provisions of the angling regulations
- No recreational fishing activities other than angling shall be permitted in the RSD and its associated water bodies.
- Maximum two-rod fishing is permitted in the RSD and its associated water bodies, with maximum three hooks per rod, except at Silver Beach (Ezüstpart) of Makád, where three-rod fishing with one hook per rod is permitted with three-rod bait-boat fishing ticket (for sports purposes). Three-rod bait-boat fishing tickets don’t permit keeping of any fish.
- It is forbidden to disturb the spawning of fish in designated or non-designated spawning areas. It is strictly forbidden to fish in a fisheries closure area and approach it within 50 metres. It is prohibited to cast tackle from jetties, banks, boats or other watercraft to spawning grounds, wintering areas or fisheries closure areas.
- Angling is prohibited on the day of fish stocking within 200 metres of the stocking site. Apart from this, there is no general angling ban on the RSD and its associated water bodies after the autumn fish stocking.
- Angling from boats is forbidden within 100 meters of the Árpád Bridge in Ráckeve.
- Angling is only permitted with one rod within 50 meters of bridges, locks and hydroelectric plants.
- Angling with live or dead baitfish or cut bait is forbidden from 3 March to 30 April, i.e. the end of the zander and asp closure period, with the exception of angling for catfish using the so-called bone assembly or clonking, where only baitfish larger than 15 cm may be used. During this period, spinning shall be permitted only with rods suitable for catfish fishing with a casting weight of at least 40 g, with braided lines of more than 0.20 mm or monofilament lines of more than 0.35 mm in diameter; fly fishing, and the use of ultralight and light spinning methods and tackle shall be prohibited. During the zander and asp closure period, spinning is permitted only using artificial lures with a body length of more than 15 cm (understood without the lip and hooks), with the exception of wobblers with a floating body of more than 10 cm, with no line tie on the lip and with a lip not exceeding 20% of the body length. The original factory condition and behaviour of these artificial lures may not be altered. The violators of the above provision will be automatically disqualified by the Association for a period of 3 months.
- During the period from 1 January to 28 February and from 2 November to 31 December, the use of sonar for fish catching is prohibited in order to protect wintering fish stocks. In this period, it is forbidden to fish at a wintering site previously found using a sonar without fishing gear, and marked in some way.
- Angling is prohibited all year round in the following areas:
a) Rkm 51.3 on the right bank of Kis-Duna Bay at Csepel.
b) Lake Kerek-agyagos at Dömsöd.
c) The entire section of the Dömsöd Spillway Channel (Északi Belt Canal) falling within the working perimeter of Dömsöd Pond Farm (between the bridges with EOV coordinates 648018, 197011, and 648610, 198574).
d) Along the entire length of the Germán (XL) Canal branching out of the Északi Belt Canal. - Angling on Rózsa Island is only allowed for registered guests. Only guests can fish within 50 metres of Rózsa Island. It is also prohibited to cast tackle from boats or other watercraft to within 50 metres of Rózsa Island.
- Entry with a car to the Silver Beach (Ezüstpart) of Makád is only possible with the entry permission of the Central Danube Valley Water Directorate.
- Angling in the Francia Bay and its associated water bodies is only allowed from the bank.
- It is forbidden to enter the river branch of the power plant by boat or other watercraft at the Kvassay lock, to anchor a watercraft there or to moor it to shore facilities or hydraulic engineering structures. The right bank is an operating area where angling is only possible with an entry permit issued by the Central Danube Valley Water Directorate and valid angling documents.
- During the XII RSD Carp Cup common carp and silver carp angling competition to be held at the Silver Beach of Makád between 12:00 pm, 8 September 2025 and 4:00 pm, 12 September 2025, only competitors can fish on both shores and in the river channel between Makád Beach and Tass Beach (rkm 1.0 to 4.6),. Only competitors and their helpers, organizers and invitees can stay at the Silver Beach of Makád during this period.
- The RSD Open Spinning Cup, the open spinning competition of the Ráckeve Danube branch will be held on the river stretch between the Park Forest of Makád and Rózsa Island (rkm 0.8 to 6.5) between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm on Sunday, 19 October 2025 (or, in case of force majeure, on Sunday, 26 October 2025). All other angling will be prohibited in that water area during the mentioned period.
- Angling in the designated competition areas of RSD and its associated water bodies is prohibited from 8:00 a.m. on the day before the mandatory training day in case of national or federation competitions, and from 00:00 a.m. on the competition day in case of other competitions. The prohibition is also displayed on notice boards placed at the ends of the competition area.
- Angling in RSD and its associated water bodies is only permitted from 06:00 to 20:00 between 1 January and 28 February and between 1 and 31 December.
- Hopping and jigging is forbidden in the entire area of Gubovics Bay (the former Lajos-hókony) and at the Árpád Bridge in Ráckeve from 1 January to 28 February and from 2 November to 31 December. In this period, angling for predatory fishes is only allowed using bite-resistant leaders and whole baitfish larger than 10 cm or artificial lures with a body length of at least 15 cm.
- Francia Bay is a fisheries closure area (a wintering site of fish) where a general fishing ban applies from 00:00 on 1 January to 00:00 on 1 March and from 00:00 on 2 November to 24:00 on 31 December (EOV: 652942.1, 232985.3; 652953.1, 232898.2; 652072.7, 232907.5; 652073.5, 232960.7).
- In Taksony Oxbow, a section of 250 m along both river branches from the crossing road bridge towards the mouth (i.e. SW) is a fisheries closure area (a wintering site of fish), where a general fishing ban applies from 00:00 on 1 January to 24:00 on 28 February (EOV: 650875.0, 221171.7; 650843.4, 221226.6; 650675.1, 221013.6; 650663.8, 221027.0; 650717.3, 221084.0; 650648.4, 221049.2; 650635.0, 221063.3).
- There is a fisheries closure area (a wintering site of fish) within 500 m to both north and south of the Dömsöd lock (rkm 11 of RSD), i.e. between rkm 10+500 and rkm 11+500 rkm of the RSD (EOV: 646256, 196021; 646199, 195943; 646367, 195174; 646463, 195134) and within 100 m of the drift line (the centre line of the river channel), where angling from boats or from the bank using bait-boats is forbidden from 1 January to 28 February and from 2 November to 31 December, even for holders of bait-boat angling tickets.
- A general fishing ban applies from 00:00 on 1 March to 24:00 on 15 June in the fisheries closure areas (spawning grounds) designated by the Regional Fisheries Management Authority and RDHSZ:
- Reed beds of Czuczor Island from the boat station of Dunaharaszti to rkm 47.0 in all three river branches (EOV coordinates: 653850.6, 226073.6; 653814.9, 226105.9; 653343.9, 225238.1; 653364.9, 225233.3; 653433.0, 225192.9; 652473.1, 224072.5; 652494.6, 224034.5; 652796.4, 224410.3; 652789.7, 224394.0; 652675.5, 224207.1; 653136.0, 224644.4).
- In the northern end of Angyali Island, in Vesszőzátony Island, and in the whole area of the lagoon between them (EOV coordinates: 643188.7, 206597.5; 643171.9, 206808.6; 643114.4, 206805.2; 642948.3, 206392.6, 643108.0, 206014.7).
- The so-called „cutoff” part of Dömsöd Oxbow, connecting to RSD (rkm 9.0-9.5) (EOV coordinates: 645911.5, 193581.4; 645898.5, 193615.2, 646135.7, 193842.8, 646167.9, 193813.5).
- The reed and bulrush stands on the left bank between the Vadkacsa free beach of Ráckeve and Árpád Bridge in Ráckeve (rkm 19.0-19.3) (EOV coordinates: 642507.3, 201942.6; 642613.1, 201944.9; 642683.6, 201772.1).
- Along the entire bankline of Makád Nature Reserve (rkm 5.45-6.54) (EOV coordinates: 643589.8, 192469.7; 642982.5, 191702.3), within 50 m of the bank.
The interactive map of fisheries closure areas is also available on the website of RDHSZ.
- Angling on the beaches designated on the RSD and its associated water bodies is regulated by the beach operator's local rules.
Provisions of the Environmental Protection Authority and the Central Danube Valley Water Directorate
Compliance with the following provisions is also controlled by nature conservation and other authorities.
- Angling is forbidden in the following core areas of the Upper Kiskunság Saline Steppes of Kiskunság National Park:
Dömsöd Spillway Channel (Északi Belt Canal) from the so-called Puskás Bridge to Szunyogi Siphon (Canal XXXI) on the northern side.
b. In Canal XXXI from Dömsöd Spillway Channel (Északi Belt Canal) to the gravel pit on the inner (western) side, as well as from Dömsöd Spillway Channel to the south until the Juhászföld driveway on both sides.
c. In Canal XXXI from the crossing with the Juhászföld driveway to the border of Bács-Kiskun County on both sides.
d. In Canal XXX south of the fish ponds and north of the Juhászföld driveway on the western side, along the fish ponds to Dömsöd Spillway Channel (Északi Belt Canal), as far as the canal lock.
e. In the sections of Canal XXX south of the Juhászföld driveway, on both sides south of the points indicated by boom barriers and/or notice boards. - Provisions concerning the area of Csupics Island, Szigetcsép:
Angling is forbidden on Csupics Island, from its bank and in the areas with bog and marsh vegetation surrounding the island.
b. Angling is forbidden in the right-bank branch of Csupics Island, both from the right bank and from the water, between rkm 31.0 and 32.0. - General provisions:
It is forbidden to camp or light fires in protected natural areas.
b. The angler or his companion may not bring dogs into protected natural areas.
c. Angling may only be started at a waste-free angling spot. At the end of fishing, everyone is obliged to take the garbage with them, it is forbidden to leave it at the angling site even in bags. Angling activities must not endanger or damage protected natural or Natura 2000 sites, nor protected natural values, species and habitats of Community interest, or priority species or habitats found there. - It is forbidden to place any buildings, set fires, burn materials, store and place motor vehicles and caravans within 8 meters of the high-pressure natural gas pipeline crossing the Makád and Tököl Park Forest.
- The Central Danube Valley Water Directorate (KDVVIZIG) designated a protection area on the RSD side of the Elemér Sajó multifunctional water discharge structure at Tass. The protection area is a section of the river channel completely closed to navigation, located at Rózsa Island on the western side channel of the Ráckeve (Soroksári) Danube, along the Rózsa Island (Büdös-sarok). Angling and boating are prohibited within the protection area marked on-site by notice boards and buoys. Angling from the shore is also prohibited within the protection area. During winter operation, the buoy line is removed by KDVVIZIG. Navigation, angling or other activities carried out without the permission of KDVVIZIG are prohibited in the protection area even during winter operation.
Provisions concerning fish species differing from national regulations:
Hungarian name | Specific closure period * | Catchable size of fish |
pike | 02.01 – 03.31. | at least 40 cm In the Danube branch and its associated water bodies, the minimum catchable size of pike is 50 cm, the maximum catchable size is 5 kg. |
asp | 03.01 – 04.30. | at least 40 cm In the Danube branch and its associated water bodies, the maximum catchable size of asp is 5 kg. |
perch | 03.01 – 04.30. | at least 15 cm |
zander | 03.01 – 04.30. | at least 30 cm In the Danube branch and its associated water bodies, the minimum catchable size of zander is 40 cm, the maximum catchable size is 5 kg. |
Volga zander | 03.01 – 06.30. | at least 25 cm |
ziege | 04.15 – 05.31. | at least 20 cm |
chub | 04.15 – 05.31. | at least 25 cm |
ide | 04.15 – 05.31. | at least 20 cm |
vimba | 04.15 – 05.31. | at least 20 cm |
nase | 04.15 – 05.31. | at least 20 cm |
barbel | 04.15 – 05.31. | at least 40 cm |
common carp | 05.02 – 05.31. The local angling regulations of RSD lift the fishing ban on common carp. Instead, they introduce a general fishing ban in the closure areas listed in the local angling regulations. |
at least 30 cm In the Danube branch and its associated water bodies, the maximum catchable size of common carp is 6 kg. |
grass carp | - | In the Danube branch and its associated water bodies, the maximum catchable size of grass carp is 15 kg. |
tench | 05.02 – 06.15. It is forbidden to keep tench caught in the Danube branch and its associated water bodies. |
at least 25 cm It is forbidden to keep tench caught in the Danube branch and its associated water bodies. |
wels catfish | 05.02 – 06.15. It is prohibited to keep wels caught in the Danube branch and its associated water bodies between 1 January and 28 February or between 2 November and 31 December. During the specific closure period, it is also forbidden to keep wels exceeding 100 cm in size. |
at least 60 cm |
brown trout | 10.01 – 03.31. | at least 22 cm |
burbot | - | at least 25 cm |
* Specific closure periods begin at 00:00 of the first day and end at 24:00 of the last day. If the first day falls on a Saturday or a rest day, the closure shall take effect on the following working day. If the last day of the closure period falls on a Saturday or a rest day, the closure shall end on the immediately preceding working day.
- During closure seasons, targeted angling for fish species protected by the closure is forbidden. If undersized fish or fish protected by the specific closure are repeatedly caught at a given angling spot, the angling method and, if necessary, the angling spot must be changed in order to protect the fish stock.
- Grass carp is a fish species subject to a daily bag limit. The quantity that can be kept per day is 3 fish, regardless of their size.
Other provisions related to angling
- Fishes for which a daily bag limit is set shall be recorded in the logbook with indelible blue ink immediately after catching, indicating the place and exact time (month, day, hour, minute) of catch, as well as the weight of the fish in kg, to one decimal place (e.g. 1,2). The use of a digital scale is mandatory for weighing the fish. The tackle may only be returned to the water after the fish protected by a daily bag limit is recorded in the logbook. Catches of species not protected by a daily bag limit shall be recorded in the logbook after the fishing has ended, before leaving the bank, expressed in total weight and indicating the weighing time (month, day, hour, minute). Any fish which is not intended to be kept shall be released immediately into the water and shall not be recorded in the logbook.
- Each type of territorial ticket contains the relevant maximum catch limits. Once the annual allowable catch of fishes subject to a daily bag limit has been reached, only daily, weekly or 72-hour territorial tickets can be purchased.
- Damaging the banks and the aquatic vegetation is strictly prohibited. It is forbidden to enter reed, bulrush or sedge stands with a boat.
- Throwing fish waste or other animal waste into the water is considered serious pollution and is therefore prohibited.
- It is forbidden to start and continue angling in littered places (with litter found within 5 meters of the angling spot). Cigarette butts, sunflower husks, chewing gum are also considered litter. All anglers are obliged to remove the litter resulting from their stay immediately after the end of angling. In case of violation of this rule, an entry will be made in the logbook on the first occasion, and the territorial ticket will be permanently withdrawn from the angler if the violation is repeated.
- The angler is obliged to closely and personally supervise his/her deployed tackle, and may not delegate this supervision to anyone else. Wireless radio-operated catch indicators are not a substitute for personal supervision. Leaving the tackle unattended is considered a violation of the angling regulations. The professional fish inspector shall transport the unattended tackle – leaving behind a written report form – to the headquarters of RDHSZ, where it is stored for one year before getting scrapped. The gross costs of storing and guarding the tackle amount to 300 HUF/day.
- In addition to the angling tackle, the angler may occasionally use one bait net with a maximum surface area of 1 m2 exclusively for the collection of legally catchable baitfish no larger than 15 cm, which is required for his/her personal angling needs.
- The angling spot shall be illuminated by the angler after dusk and throughout the whole duration of the night angling session with clearly visible diffused light, which does not disturb other anglers (in case of boats, the light must also be clearly visible from the bank). Direct, continuous illumination of the water surface is forbidden.
- Any form of bringing the end tackle to its designated location is prohibited, except for holders of a territorial bait-boat angling ticket. The introduction of a bone assembly with an auxiliary rod is not considered a violation of this rule.
- Rules of angling with a bait boat:
a) In the case of boilie fishing with a bait boat, the use of the following fish handling equipment is mandatory: small-mesh (mesh size max. 5 mm) keepnets and landing nets, unhooking cradle and fish wound disinfectant. These must be kept at the angling site.
b) The tackle may be brought to its intended location, up to the centre of the river channel, using a boat or another tool, without disturbing the water traffic or other anglers. - The angler shall immediately report environmental damage, water pollution, fish kills or irregular angling to a professional fish inspector. The telephone number of the professional fish inspector on duty can be found on the territorial ticket.
- Drawing angling tackle with a boat (trolling) is forbidden.
- Artificial lures with a body length of less than 6 cm may only be used with barbless hooks or hooks with a pinched-down barb.
- Pilkers and artificial flies can only be used with single hooks.
- In case of suspected violation, photographs, moving images and audio recordings may be taken while performing fish guarding and fish protection tasks. The recordings made during fish control are handled by RDHSZ in accordance with the legal requirements.
- When angling from the bank, the tackle in use may only be kept on a jetty or on an angling spot in close proximity to the water. After casting the tackle into the water, it is therefore forbidden to take the rod across the road running along the bank and place it on a private property, in a garden, on a balcony, etc.
- It is forbidden to disturb others or to make excessive noise in any form. In case of visible intoxication with alcohol or other substances, angling may not be continued. In such cases, the professional fish inspector shall be entitled to initiate official action.
- Lighting a fire is only permitted in compliance with the valid regulations, if no fire ban has been declared. No timber freshly felled on site may be used for lighting a fire. Litter may not be placed into the fire pit or burned there. When leaving, the fire must be extinguished.
IV. Provisions related to fish protection and angling ethics:
- It is forbidden to use metal fish containers for keeping live fish.
- It is forbidden to increase the number of hooks per attachment point on factory-made artificial lures, to attach another hook under an available hook or to modify them to increase the chance of foul hooking.
- When fishing for predatory fishes, unnecessary deep hooking must be avoided.
- Using a gaff or a lip grip is forbidden in the Danube branch and its associated water bodies.
- Any marking or mutilation of the caught fish by the angler is prohibited.
- It is forbidden to exchange the legally caught fish, which can therefore be retained, on the bank during the angling activities, as well as to give it away at the angling site or to sell the caught fish.
- Caught fish may only be kept in the keepnet alive, without injury and humanely, for a maximum of 48 hours if the angler stays on the spot. If a professional fish inspector finds fish damaged or dead because of the use of prohibited fishing methods or careless storage in the keepnet, he/she will initiate official animal protection proceedings on grounds of animal cruelty. Only locally caught fish may be stored in a keepnet.
- It is forbidden to keep fish in a common keepnet together with fish caught by other anglers.
- Fish caught by the holder of a state angling ticket and intended to be kept may only be removed from the bank after killing it in a quick and humane way. In case of angling from a boat, removal of the fish is understood as leaving the boat after finishing the angling (i.e. after mooring). Fish less than 30 cm in body length may be transported alive, but only in a container which ensures an adequate oxygen level in the water and minimises stress to the animal.
- It is the individual responsibility of the angler to use fishing gear and equipment suitable for the chosen target fish, which also ensures fish welfare, and to maintain a physical condition suitable for angling throughout the entire time of angling.
V. Serious infringements and their indicative sanctions
- By starting angling, the angler, as the holder of the territorial ticket, acknowledges that:
a) he/she is obliged to obey instructions of the fish inspector and to cooperate during inspections,
b) the professional fish guard may make photos, video and audio recordings of him/her in compliance with the relevant legal requirements,
c) in case of an enforceable fish protection fine or disqualification imposed for a felony related to unauthorized angling or fishing or an misdemeanour committed on a water body covered by the territorial ticket, or in case of a proven infringement specified in the local angling regulations, his/her territorial ticket may be revoked or you he/she may be banned from purchasing a territorial ticket for a period of maximum 5 years. - The main acts justifying the withdrawal of the territorial ticket and the ban on its purchase, as well as the minimum and maximum periods of disqualification are shown below:
Committing angling- and fishing-related felonies (e.g. theft of high value, poaching, animal cruelty) | 3-5 years |
Refusing or obstructing the execution of a fish inspector’s orders |
3-5 years |
Removal or attempted removal of live fish exceeding the upper size limit | |
Unauthorised fishing by a disqualified person | 1-5 years,
but at least twice the time of disqualification |
Violation of the upper size limit |
1-5 years |
Violation of the catch limit | |
Deliberate mutilation of a fish | |
Communicating or recording false personal data during any data request related to angling, falsifying angling documents or modifying personal data therein | |
Misdemeanour established by the Fisheries Management Authority in relation to acts not specifically mentioned here | 1-3 years, but no less than the period of disqualification |
Fish marking, unauthorised removal of a fish tag or chip |
1-3 years |
Non-compliance with logbook rules (falsification or alteration of entered data, failure to record the catch) | |
Keeping fish protected by a closure period or declared protected or not catchable by law | |
Violation of the lower size limit | |
Removal or attempted removal of live fish below the lower size limit | |
Engaging in angling and recreational fishing simultaneously |
6 months – 2 years |
Angling or attempted angling in fisheries closure areas or closure periods | |
Other infringements specified in local angling regulations, ad hoc announcements or competition rules. | 3 months – 1 year |
- In case of violation of the provisions of the local angling regulations, RDHSZ has a discretion to apply disqualification in a way that it should not exceed the duration specified under the generic category „Other infringements specified in local angling regulations”. This RDHSZ procedure does not precude official proceedings initiated by the fisheries management authority or filing charges against the offender.
- In its proceedings, RDHSZ decides on the duration of the disqualification taking into account all the circumstances of the infringement and within the limits set out herein.
- In case of several individual infringements committed during one angling trip, the duration of the disqualifications imposed for these acts is cumulative, but the overall duretion of the disqualification cannot exceed 5 years.
- If, after committing an infringement and being sanctioned for it, an angler recommits any of the sanctioned acts, the duration of the repeated disqualification will increase to double the value set out herein, but not exceeding 5 years.
- If an angler commits another infringements within 3 years of a previous disqualification, the duration of the repeated disqualification shall be at least 2 years and not more than 5 years.
- The withdrawal or the prohibition of the purchase of a territorial ticket shall always take effect after an official decision by the RDHSZ containing the facts, a reference to the relevant provision of the angling regulations, as well as the duration of the disqualification, and the notification thereof.
- The withdrawal of the territorial ticket by RDHSZ and the disqualification do not preclude – nor require – proceedings and legal consequences specified in the disciplinary regulations of angling associations.
- In case of administrative proceedings for imposition of a fish protection fine, if the state angling ticket has been withdrawn from the offender by the regional fisheries management authority, it is possible to purchase a new state angling ticket after payment of the fish protection fine and the expiry of the disqualification period. In such cases, however, if the offender wishes to continue angling in a registered fisheries management area managed by RDHSZ, he/she is obliged to purchase a new territorial ticket, as the previous one has been withdrawn by the holder of fisheries rights. With the new annual territorial ticket, the annual allowable catch of fishes subject to daily bag limit and other native fish species is calculated proportionally for the remaining part of the year.
- In case of official proceedings initiated for an infringement of the local angling regulations, when the professional fish inspector only withholds the territorial ticket, the territorial ticket in question is withdrawn by the holder of the fisheries rights as an additional penalty after the negative ruling of the territorial fisheries management authority takes effect. After paying the fish protection fine specified in the official ruling and after the expiry of the disqualification period, it is possible to purchase a new territorial ticket. With the new annual territorial ticket, the annual allowable catch of fishes subject to daily bag limit and other native fish species is calculated proportionally for the remaining part of the year.
- In the event of repurchasing a state angling ticket due to proceedings for the imposition of a fish protection fine, or in the event of its replacement due to loss or destruction, the annual allowable catch of fishes subject to daily bag limit and other native fish species is calculated proportionally for the remaining part of the year (to the nearest day).
- In case of death, the price of the purchased territorial ticket cannot be refunded.
- The RDHSZ Code of Ethics and Conciliation is binding for anglers holding territorial tickets for the Ráckeve Danube branch and its associated water bodies. If the holder of the regional ticket commits an act damaging the honour or reputation af an official or employee of the Association, the RDHSZ Ethics and Conciliation Committee may initiate proceedings against him or her, applying the sanctions listed in the Code of Ethics and Conciliation (warning, prohibition of the purchase of territorial tickets). The Code of Ethics and Conciliation can be viewed on the website of the Association.
VI. Record list:
RDHSZ keeps a record list based on the data on fish caught in RSD and its associated water bodies, which is available on the RDHSZ website ( Only verified data can be added to the list. Fishes on the record list, with the exception of silver carp and bighead carp, must be released in all cases.
1. Record sizes:
In order to be included in the record list, fish must have the following minimum weight:
common carp: 15 kg, grass carp: 15 kg, zander and pike: 5 kg, asp: 4 kg, wels catfish, silver carp, bighead carp: 25 kg, barbel: 3 kg, other fish species (including tench): 2 kg.
2. Notification:
Conditions for applying for inclusion into the record list:
- The angler can fully ensure the welfare of the fish until verification. The fish must be stored in a keepnet of appropriate size and material, the use of stringers is prohibited, otherwise it must be released back to the water.
- The angler shall immediately record the fish in the logbook and shall send an SMS notification to the duty phone number of professional fish inspectors. The SMS must contain the name and phone number of the angler requesting verification, the exact place of the catch and the species and weight of the fish to be verified. Otherwise, the record fish may not be retained until verification.
- No foul-hooked fish shall be verified.
MANDATORY NOTIFICATION! If the above conditions are met, the angler is obliged to declare all common carp over 25 kg, all grass carp over 25 kg, all zander over 10 kg, all pike over 10 kg, all wels catfish over 50 kg and all tench over 3 kg of weight.
3. Verification:
Verifications shall only be carried out by the head of the fisheries management division and persons having the relevant authorisation in the presence of the angler who caught the fish, no later than 12 hours after the notification. The verification is carried out by completing the relevant certificate form in three copies, one of which is given to the angler.
In addition to filling out the certificate form, it is also mandatory to take photos of both sides of the fish, as well as of its release. After verification and release, the entry of the record fish is crossed out in the angler's logbook, which is also stamped with an RDHSZ stamp ("Released") and signed.
4. Documenting:
The verifying person shall transmit the following data: photograph of the right side of the fish, photograph of the left side of the fish, photograph of the release, photograph of the certificate. The record catches are posted on the website and Facebook page of RDHSZ, as well as on the MOHOSZ record list.
5. Rewards:
Of the catchers of fish subject to mandatory notification, holders of territorial bait-boat angling tickets will be rewarded with the same type of territorial ticket, while holders of all other types of territorial tickets, including daily, 72-hour, weekly and national territorial tickets, will receive an annual general territorial ticket for the RSD and its associated water bodies.
From all the other anglers whose catches are included in the record list, an additional 50 anglers selected by lot will receive an annual general territorial ticket for the following year free of charge.
Anglers who have been sanctioned with a fish protection fine by the fisheries management authority are not rewarded for three years from the date on which the decision takes effect.
The territorial ticket received in reward is non-transferable. The preclusive deadline for picking up the territorial ticket received in reward is the last day of February.
6. Chip tagging:
RDHSZ reserves the right to tag record fish in an invisible way using an individual chip tagging system for later identification. Chip tagging may only be carried out by the head of the fisheries management division, the head of the fisheries control and angling tourism division, as well as persons having a relevant authorisation, without the presence of the catching angler.
7. Returning fish tags:
RDHSZ tags some of the fish with clearly visible, coloured fish tags (T-bar tags) during stocking. Retaining tagged fish is forbidden. Anyone catching such fish is obliged to send the data on the fish tag, as well as the place and date of catching, the dimensions of the fish (body weight, standard length, girth) and the contact details of the angler to RDHSZ in writing. RDHSZ will reward the angler for the submission of accurate and complete data.
VII. Final provisions
- The issuer of the territorial ticket or the angling association holding the fisheries management rights as a legal body is not liable for accidents or damages occurring in the areas under its management, and excludes any recovery of such damages.
- Information on the conditions of fishing accident insurance related to the valid Hungarian Fishing Card is provided by MOHOSZ.
- Anglers may only use the equipment, angling and aquatic facilities found on the banks and in the angling locations at their own risk.
- Other matters not regulated herein shall be governed by the Civil Code, legal acts on angling, fisheries management, fish protection, environmental protection and nature conservation and law enforcement activities, regulations of MOHOSZ, as well as the provisions and rules of the association's disciplinary regulations.
RDHSZ reserves the right to restrict angling also in other places on its water system. These places will be marked, as well as displayed on its website.
0-24 hour duty and information phone number of the professional fish inspectors of RDHSZ:
+36 30 675 7304
Reporting fish, environmental and water protection issues:
Head of the fisheries control and angling tourism division:
+36 30 202 5688